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Thursday, March 5, 2009

By the way this is the 347th post!

Ok thanks everyone who said they'd stopped! :) I'm glad it's over...

You shouldn't get mad at Chocomint for posting her site on another site... You should get mad if she posts it on this site! Which she did. But I'm not saying anything!

So can we stop deleting Chocomints comments? I neverget to read them before their deleted... :( Just delete them if she advertises... Which is fair!

So thanks anyway!

The new puffles are out tomorrow!

Who can theme their igloo in the best theme of.........

Black and White!!! :D My two favorite puffles.

And theres a newspaper today which will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about puffles!

Well go and check the newspaper!



1 questions/comments/concerns:

sahana :) said...