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Thursday, March 5, 2009


Okay, so my posting has been so not updated, so Im going to post a bit of things. I'm the kind of girl who checks the fun stuff every now and then when she hasn't got any emails and has already gone on Cp. So, I found the CUH-yutest backround Cp has ever released. You may have already seen it but, ya' know. (Look its above).....
So ANYWAY! I'm off of school so I will post more. But, I've been busy and thats sorta annoying... I HATE being busy. I run every Monday and Tuesday, I have piano/voice on Tuesday, On Wednesday or Thursdays we have Girl Scouts and on Friday, a friend comes and Hangs out. I have jazz on Saturday and on SUnday, I have Sunday School (TRANZI IM NOT PIOUS FOR THE 100th TIME!!!!!!!!!0 and Ice Skating is also on Sunday. I bet some of you can top that, but i have a puppy (Riley, mini labradoodle) and a little sister. PUH-LUS I play 3 instruments plus the recorder, and I sing.
Hard Work eh? Oh, and BTW I have clothing to plan. ANd for my leisure, (? on spelling) I got a manicure yesterday. My nails are hot pink. They look Ah-mazing with my ring my Aunt gave me....
I really love to go sled racing on CP, so are any of you any good? I'm pretty good- and this time im NOT being modest kay?

~ Glamie

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