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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Comment Issues

I was reading through some of the comments on some recent-ish posts, and I wasn't very happy! I read that some ppl were "offensed" or said things like "that's stupid". We always appreciate our loyal reader's opinions, but next time, try to be bit more blant and DON'T BE SOOOOO MEAN!
If you are one of those ppl who commented mean things, u are prob thinking "i had every right to say that!", and u know what? u do. i'm serious. BUT, u'll get a reputation for "that mean commentator", and you won't be able to sleep at night. =b

>also, it's blogging curtesy to be nice online!

k so byee, CHOLAY =]

1 questions/comments/concerns:

sahana :) said...

k i am sorry cholay but i was really sad and was mad so srry.