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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hey Guys. I seriously can NOT WAIT for the Saint Patty's day par-tay. I have an old green dress that's just SO kewl! Maybe, I'll get a picture of it.
Im really annoyed that All the Old STuff is coming back. Why can't old penguins be unique for having old clothes? It's kewl when they bring things back, so I can get the REALLY old stuff, but I get kinda mad, knowing that some person will also have the Beekeeper wig, but I hope they won't bring back any more backrounds, even though they already have brought some.
Sorry I have'nt been posting, I have just been chatting and stuff. I'm Lay-zay. Oh, and I luv the video! It's so kewl! It's pretty "beast". HA HA I actually said beast, but NOT "beasty"......

I would NEVER say Beasty, ever. I do admit I have, but not anymore.... I hope.... =]

OH! And there are even MORE followers.

1 questions/comments/concerns:

480pie said...

I followed.

~~ 480pie :$