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Monday, December 17, 2012

Goodbye Childhood(':

So, hey.
I don't know if either of you even think about this blog anymore, because I sure don't!
However, I am extremely nostalgic. So... here's my last post on Club Penguin Kickstand.

I remember posting on my own Picasso 97's Club Penguin blog in about 4th grade. I would cruise around the Club Penguin tag on good ol' Blogspot (they changed the name?! what?! what is blogger?!) and I saw something with Transalta. So I looked at that blog, and later I noticed I had a comment on one of my posts on my own little blog! It was an invite to join Club Penguin Kickstand. Wow, the next few years legitimately shaped my childhood. Getting to know everyone who posted on this website, learning HTML and how to post and make myself look like I knew what I was doing with coding. And the fact that I knew someone from another country (Becky-- oh my gosh. I still pull the "I sent Twinkies to my friend in Wales!" card sometimes!) and the fact that I had friends outside my school was freaking awesome to me. Y'all really helped me not be as shy now that I'm older.

Remember when we talked to that web designer of that website that totally copied Club Penguin? I made a post about it and the producer of the freaking website commented on my post? You probably can't find it now.. I've deleted all my posts a while ago.

How on earth were we so weird? Being so young - our friends would be playing outside all day, getting bruises, making friends - and we would be inside, at home, discussing with new people on the chat box on this very blog! Haha!

Now we have all fallen out of touch, and I really have no idea how to say hey to y'all again. I'm not on any new up-and-coming website that I can advertise, and I'm not on Twitter or anything like that. But really, I just wanted to thank you guys for being such great friends when I was in late elementary school to early middle school. Y'all really kinda made me into who I am today - as cheesy as that sounds. But really, thanks. I hope you are doing well and everything is rad.

I'm almost half way through high school now. This is insane, time really flew by.
I really hope no one from my grade sees this. Wow, embarrassing.

Well, this is me signing off for good.
Bittersweet. I guess we all have to grow up sooner or later.

- Picasso97, YorkieCake, *RazzieMaddie, MaddieIRL, MaddieILY, now just Maddie.

P.S. - I had a dream the other night about a burrito. BTWs. Reminded me of Becky and Hannah's animated series.

P.S.S. - I still want to be an actor, if anyone remembers that. I'm currently enrolled to be in a summer musical theatre camp to put me into huge Texas-wide productions. Just a little update on my life.

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