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Sunday, August 30, 2009


say random things in your posts!

4 questions/comments/concerns:

the really great amanda said...

Hey, kids do you want to learn something today? Do you know how flys fly? They never quit until they get smacked with a two year old's hand. Poor, poor flys. Those dirty little pests never get enough of a two year old's hand and then they run up to their mom saying,"Mommy,mommy I found a fly." If your mom is a clean freak she would say," Get that filthy thing off of you. You know you just had you seventh bath today." A regular mom would say," Good for you sweetie." What would you do if your two year old came up to you with a smooshed fly in it's hand? I would personally smoosh the two-year-old!

Becky* said...

Wow, Manda, you're hilarious! I have NO IDEA who the hell you are but hang on in there! Keep up the good work!!

Anyway, what I'd do is pull out a spatula, cook the fly the EAT IT!

Like, I said, you're doing great!


Who the hell are you??

MaddieILY said...

whats up with this? Is Transalta losing it?

wow, im confused. :P

Anonymous said...

yeahhhhhhhh idk if she blames me im quitting this site