Welcome To CPKS!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Im not losing it

I am not going crazy...er... Frankly, I've been trying to get Glamie to leave for about 2 hours ;) And if this site is supposedly going down the tubes anyway, why bother? Seriously-- not my first choice, and it really makes me sad to say it, I'll do what YOU GUYS want. Unless you're Glamie.

4 questions/comments/concerns:

Becky* said...

I think you should do what YOU want with CPKS, unless what you want is to delete it.

You've done a REALLY good job with it all and some other people helped a little bit but it was mainly you and it's been amazing.

So, seriously, don't do what WE want coz most of us don't even know how to run a site like this.


MaddieILY said...

I agree wit Becky completleyy!


you should make this a random site! You've made so many friends through this! You could make it just not CP-themed.

Now, do what you wanna do!

Becky* said...

No, the names CP Kickstand - CLUB PENGUIN! ;-)

I love random sites but if we turned it into one, all the members would mistake it for some kind of site where they post stuff like "I like cheese!" and that's just so stupid. It used to be funny (aaaaages ago) but now it's not.

So, yeah, sorry Picasso, I don't agree.


MaddieILY said...

i meant like just making sure ya kept the site going.

but this seriously is turning into a middle school. :l

*no further comment on the subject, i am a silent ninja... only cussing at people without typing what i think would work*