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Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Okay, a few days ago, my laptop died. So we backed up the pictures and stuff but now it won't turn on. So, we were gunna take it back to PC World (the name isn't that funny...Transalta.) which is where we bought it but the stupid people designed to shut their technical support thingy over Christmas. So now I can't post...not like I have posted though...but now I can't even check. :( Gertrude will be missed... :(
(Btw, I'm on someone elses Mac...) (My dad's woo!)

Anyway, what's everyone getting for Christmas?
Okay, I was gunna get an iPod Touch which I'm happy about but then my dad was ike "We may aswell get her an iPhone!" so I was like YEAH! so then my mum was like "Why would we get her an iPhone, she's got a phone!" so then my dad told everyone this dark dark secret (look away) about my phone... Okay, so when you get a contract phone usually the phone's come free and you just pay extra on the contract for a year...well that's what we did but the stupid phone has to be SENT BACK. And they don't even tell you...
So then my dad was saying about how I need a phone and I won't have an iPod Touch so I CRIED. Not really, I was just really annoyed. So then he was like WE'LL GET YOU BOTH! (But only because he gets a MASSIVE amount of money off the phone coz he's a pilot...that sucks for everyone else...) So now I'm getting a Viewty or a Viewty Lite (They're the same except the Viewty has more connection leads...) I wanted toget a Viewty Smart but the price wasn't available because it isn't out yet. So, if any of you American friendly people have a chance, tell me what the price is... (Search it first though coz, if not, you'll probably get it wrong..)

Yeah whatever. BYE!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D WOOP!


2 questions/comments/concerns:

Arisu said...

Viewty Lites look so cool in RED! :D
But they annoy me 'cuz like they are copies of the iPhone/iPod Touch - you cannot deny it!
Arg, when is the Viewty Smart coming out anyway?

Becky* said...

They're NOTHING like the iPhone/Touch so like yeah. Seriously - NOTHING.
Samsung Tocco and Samsung Genio are SUCH copies. They have the whole finger-slide-and-scroooolll and stuff. :( Gay.
I got the Viewty not the Viewty Lite and it was all limited stock and stuff coz of Christmas so they only had one colour.
I dunno when the Viewty Smart is out but, I don't really care coz I have my phone now! :)
