Welcome To CPKS!

Thursday, December 31, 2009


I just want to be the second to say...HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (Or type..)
Do we say Two-Thousand-And-Ten or Twenty-Ten?? I say both... :/
Aaaanyway! 2009...good times...

In 2009:
CPKS messed up;
I became 12 (Yes!);
We had Christmas;
We had Easter;
We had...Hannukah?;
We had Christmas Eve;
We had our 500th post;
We had our 1000th post;
We had our 1145th post;
We had everyone else's birthday in the word (YES IN THE WORLD!);
Arisu got Sims 3,
My dad ordered a PS3 (Tomoroowww!!);
We had Bonfire Night (Or Guy Fawkes..whatever);
My laptop broke...;
My phone...broke;
My other phone broke...;
My other other phone broke...;
My other laptop broke...;
Disney bought CP;
Disney wrecked CP;
I quit CP (that's in order...);
Twilight came out in cinemas and on DVD;
New Moon came out in cinemas (I haven't even seen it yet...);
Uh...I posted!

Everything breaks!

On the bright side...me and Chip are getting married! JOKE! Chip's too young for me... :P I know age doesn't matter and all but...y'know...
Yeah. (?)

If anyone feels like telling me where I can get the whole Phineas and Ferb series on DVD, just comment! :)

Also, as a New Year present to all of us at CPKS and...not at CPKS, I'm adding a CPKS member Twitter's menu! Check it out when it's up... -> and if you're a member of CPKS and you're not on it, just comment or email becky.1507@hotmail.com :)
(Just give me a chance to put it up first...)

Thankyou, and GOOD NIGHT!


(Three hours, fifty two minutes and 47 seconds until British New Year!!!)

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