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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Spotify :)

I think everyonme should have Spotify. It's like iTunes but with EVERY SINGLE SONG IN THE WORLD! And I mean that (almost) literally...

It has songs like Happy Birthday Anna (and loads of other names too!) and also different albums like THE NEW MOON SOUNDTRACK!! :D

It's amazing. Get it. Now. Spotify.com
Click SAVE (Not OPEN!)
Save it to Program Files.
Uh... I forgot what happens next but it's suuuper simple (unless you're on a Mac, then it's a TEENY bit harder...) and your computer will be there for you, guiding you through the hard times in life... :) Trust me, your computer loves you . . .

Picasso: Check your emails.

I'm kind of hyper... I just got home from a party wearing this formal dress and I walked into the kitchen and my kind-of-but-not-really-brother was all "What you walking round like that for?" and I was all "PARTAY!" and he was all "Cool...you look nice." and I was all "Thanks!" then I took my 7 Up (DIET VERSION :D) and went into the living room to check my phone...

Good times...


Hehe rubbish ending there, people. I'm cool.

1 questions/comments/concerns:

MaddieILY said...

heeey, thanks, Becky! :D