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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Website of the Week

And todays review is on...
Okay practically everyone knows this site, hey it's the only place where you can watch TV shows, movies, people doing cool stuff, people making a fool of themselves and it's one of your only chances to get Rick Rolled! (If you haven't been Rick Rolled yet don't worry, it's nothing sick or anything...)
YouTube is this online site where you can show the world you doing what you do best (or worst...) you can even get famous through it!
Did you know NigaHiga had their own movie made about them? It was called 'Ryan and Sean's not so excellent adventure.' (I REALLY hate the name of the movie, it's so boring and cheesy...)
So get on YouTube and either make people or make yourself famous.

The choice is yours.

**Arisu ~ ! :D

2 questions/comments/concerns:

MaddieILY said...

It's because there's an old movie calles Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure... I guess it was a spoof? Is it good? (it sounds corny, I agree lolz!)

Becky* said...

It wasn't a movie made about them, they made the movie them selves. Sorry if that's what you meant - it's kind of misleading. And also another correction - 'tis not the ONLY place you can see all of that stuff, theres Tinypic, MSN video, Google Video, Yahoo Video...(haha you must hate me now..)

Well, whatever - bye. ;)