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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lalalaaa some stuuuff..

Okay well I'm FINALLY on a laptop! YESS! And I'm veeeryy happy to say I still type very easily and smoothly even on a retardedly sized computer. Not as small as mine but...not medium sized.

Anyway...it snowed properly today! I wrote my name in giant letters in the snow! I will probably post a picture if I can be bothered to. (I'd have to spend ten minutes getting my battery out of my phone, an extra like...hour trying to find a Micro SD adapter, put it in the adapter, find a little boxy thing which I can shove the the adapter in, plug it in, wait for it to load, find the picture, put it online, blah blah blahhhh... I think it's pretty understandable that I might not be bothered to. Anyway, the adapter and the boxy thingy is my other house. Well not my but I live at both. :D)
So yeah it snowed! :D I didn't make a snowman. School was cancelled. Yay.

Anyway, I'm logged onto Sifaka world. IT looks amazing. Every single thing is shaded and amazing. When the animals move, although they don't moved diagonally, they walk properly. Instead of just turning from side to side like CP. Their arms move and their legs BEND.
Their always smiling (such positive attitudes!) and you can actually SEE THEIR FACES.
The layout is simples but effective. The HTML looks pretty simple but also looks good. The pictures are well drawn and it must of been pretty hard to start off animating...
Over all the site looks pretty good and it's smooth-running. :) It doesn't take a long time to load anything and the animals are cute. Also, when you choose to help the charity Sifaka supports, you can help them all year whereas Club Penguin only has it once a year for like ten days and most of the kids hardly know what they're donating to. And Club Penguin keeps all of the money from memberships whereas Sifaka World doesn't.
The HTML looks like it's been kept as simple as possible and it's really easy to understand. They've used simple tags, <> instead of <> tags.
It's a pretty good site and it's pretty easy to get into. Except, sadly, I'm not going to because everything like this is just really hard for me to get into now...I just wish I'd gotten into it a while ago.

Yeah well, its like 11 PM and, although I'm being forced off the computer against my will, I'm gunna be up for a couple more hours... :) School is cancelled again tomorrow! I love snow. I'm not saying that I don't like school because, seriously, most people's first friends come from their school. Mine did! :D :)

Yeah well, bye!


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