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Saturday, January 2, 2010


Okay, so I've been thinking about these for a while. I think these are some of the worst images and websites of the prior year. Admins, if you have anyhing to add, please feel free to.

DRAGO WORLD- I CANNOT seem to find a link for this site. All I ever found was an xat chatbox, but what I saw from the chatbox, this is a COMPLETE Club Penguin copy FAILURE. The dagons look like penguins with horns, and there are party hats, beta testers ect. Since I can't seem to find this website, I'll give you a few links that have do with it. The thing I laughed at was the slogan, "Run around and meet new friends." Familiar?


WEBKINZ GANGSTER FAIL- This is DEFINITLEY a super FAIL on Webkinz's part. webkinz.com is an innocent looking site by the stuffed animal company ganz. The picture below, is from the webkinz site, and it is the exclusive item that you get by becoming a member. You might have to click it to see it better, but those webkinz's pants are DEFINITLEY low.

Do you think a child would want to dress up just like their Webkinz? :P

SIFAKA WORLD- Hmm.... What is it about that name that seems like profanity? I looked at the creator of this website's (Brian Yennie) Myspace page. He was drinking a giant can of Bud Lite. (Beer) They say that t's cooler than Club Penguin because it has more animals than just penguins.

But it doesn't have penguins, it has 4 animals. That's a WHOLE lot more than 1 animal.
P.S. Brian Yennie told me that "Sifaka" is an endangered lemur.

PANFU VS CLUB PENGUIN- This site was hard to judge, because the format of the player card, and the map and buildings looked almost the same as Club Penguin. The other thing was, that it was more original than most Club Penguin copies. I give it a 7/10 for being a copy.

9 questions/comments/concerns:

Unknown said...

LOL, well thanks for the shout out. For the record, the picture in question was of a piƱata and is about 5 years old. I guess the internet does remember since it's been gone from my profile for quite some time now regardless.

BTW, "Sifaka" is an endangered lemur, not a curse word. How about sticking up for the little guy, it's not easy for a 3 person company to compete with Club Penguin and Disney =)

- Brian

H4NNAH said...

Well Brian, yes the internet does remember things :) I was researching Sifaka world whe I came across your myspace page. So how does it feel to be on this list? :P

H4NNAH said...

ooohh and btw, it's an honor to have you comment on CPKSi even though you're on my list of worst games. It's cool that you even found this. Just a tip, I was playing that tree frog game or whatever about a year ago, and after like, an hour of playing it, there was still no way to exit. But I still despise those "bored of Club Penguin" google ads. ;D

H4NNAH said...

Oh, and just saying, Sifaka World is the second best of theworst on this list :)

Unknown said...

Hey Transalta... yeah I get all of the Google Alerts for Sifaka World so if anyone likes it or not, I pretty much find out =).

All I ask is that you check back on the site every now and then. We had a lot of bugs our first few months that have been fixed and honestly by far our coolest stuff is still under construction. We are going to do some pretty cool quests, and scavenger hunts every other week for starters.

What's cool to me is that we're in the ball game and get to draw comparisons with things like WebKinz and Club Penguin. Those guys have a LOT of money and resources to crank stuff out. Us, we're going one step at a time.

Unknown said...

On the ads... FWIW, that's just one of many variations we run. Others are more complimentary. Club Penguin right now is by far the biggest source of people who would immediately understand our game, but from here on out it's really going to be about Sifaka World building it's own unique features. You gotta get your foot in the door somehow.

Unknown said...

Just to sum up... obviously we'd rather stay off of "Worst Games" lists, but I personally welcome your feedback. As you can see, I'm eager to engage with anyone who has an opinion about Sifaka World. It's not really about Club Penguin vs. Sifaka World, there is more than enough room for both of us. I actually have a ton of respect for Club Penguin, especially the original crew which was a small company themselves before Disney bought them up.

In fact, let me know if you want a tour. I'd be happy to walk you around Sifaka World myself and show you what we are up to. Maybe we can make a better list on your site next year!

H4NNAH said...

OMG THE ORIGINAL CREW WAS THE BEST! That was when I played Club Penguin most. I remember thecold basement, and the big old computer, and the st. patrick's day music playing in the Background. It's been like, 3 years since that though... :(

H4NNAH said...

I especially liked it when you had to actually TRY to find the pin and free items.