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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Club Penguin Lyrics video!

Hey Guyss! Okay I got a great idea! We could make a video inviting cool characters from Club Penguin kickstand and fans from my Club Penguin Island. JoJo would be the camera girl. She would record the video and put it up on Youtube using my account.

Firstly, everyone who is taking part in this Video would be saying out Lyrics from Miley Cyrus-Hoedown. It's a really short music video, so it wouldn't take up much time.

We would pick Miley Cyrus, band members and audience. (We don't really need to have a big audience. Even one penguin could just be the audience) Being Miley Cyrus you have to type more lyrics. We are skipping the first part when she says "Boom di clap boom di clap di clap" and "I'm gonna tell you a beat that would move your feet". Here's an example:

Miley Cyrus: Pop it. Lock it. Polka Dot It.
Miley Cyrus: Contrify it then Hip Hop It
Miley Cyrus: Put your hands up in the sky
Miley Cyrus: To side to side
Miley Cyrus: Jump to the side, stick it, glide

Audience and Band Members: Boom dee clap boom boom de clap clap
Miley Cyrus: I'll give the barbecue
Miley Cyrus: Show it how to move
Miley Cyrus: If you're five or eighty-two
Miley Cyrus: This is something you can do
Miley Cyrus: Pop it lock it polka dot it
Miley Cyrus: Contrify it then hip hop it
Miley Cyrus: Put your hands up in the sky
Miley Cyrus: To side to side
Miley Cyrus: Jump to the left stick it glide

Miley Cyrus, Band Members and Audience: Zig Zag across the floor
Miley Cyrus, Band Members and Audience: Shuffle in diagonal
Band Members: When the drums hits hands on your hips
Miley Cyrus: One Foot in hundred eighty twist

Audience: And then a zig zag step slide
Band Members: Lean in left clap three times
Miley Cyrus: Shake it out
Miley Cyrus: Head to toe

Miley Cyrus, Band Members and Audience: Throw it altogether that's how we roll
Miley Cyrus: Do the Hoedown (x2)
Audience and Band Members: Do the throwdown (x2)

Audience and Band Members and Miley Cyrus: Throw it altogether that's how we roll


That's all! I would tell JoJo how to add music to the video. I have some problems with my recording thing =(
Well, anyway JoJo, do you have a headphone? 'Coz you need that to add music to the video

Here's the music video with Lyrics:

Just to remind you, you could use your own moves. ;)

-Lynnzie and JoJo

1 questions/comments/concerns:

cheeseyo67 said...

What the BLEEP was that?!?