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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Aww. I like just CP...

I'm so sad. I really liked CPKS when it started. Everyone played CP, no one EVER quit ANYTHING, and it was just soo cool. Why can't it be that way?! But if you guy's (as in Glamie, Tranzi, or Becky) don't wanna post about CP, then why don't we change the name?! (wait not Glamie soo much...) But just so you know, I'll NEVER post anything BUT things about CP. Because I liked it the old way. Just soo you know.
Okay, this is the part you probably wanna hear. So personally, I really don't like the new songs to much. To classic. Also, if you have atleast 4000 coins on CP, then click on the chair in the ticket booth (Better Igloos Catalog, December Issue...) AND WA-LAAAA
Buy yourself a GER-ANDAE 'la' PIANAE! MUI!!! I'm still figuring out the rest, soo don't get angry. I have also dicovered the latest FASION ERROR EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeP Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!! It's the FIYA NINJAA OUTFIT! Sorry for all you guys (or gallie's) who like it, but its personally creeperz. But if you are attached, DON'T TAKE MY ADVICE! My awesomeness will not ruin you great relationship between FIYA NINJA OUTFIT and you.
Anyway this might be like long & boring and all, but it took alot-o time. Please comment before you eat some cheese (we don't want a smelly webpage) and always remember-

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