Welcome To CPKS!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ok, I'm not putting this off any longer.

I'm now EDITING CPKS INTO A NEW, INTERNET SITE, because of the drop in interest in Club Penguin. We now talk about twitter, google, blah blah blah. So Dukkz, I'd appreciate it if you'd quit the "OMG CPKS BLAH BLAH BLAH USED TO BE SO OMG BLAH BLAH BLAH SAD SO CP BLAH BLAH BLAH" so that we could all still post. I don't care if you post about Club Penguin. It'd be great. We just ALL can't. This will also widen our members and audience.

We will be CPKS and nothing more. Whoever can think of a thing that goes with "CPKS" that ends with kickstand so we can keep our url will win...


(That was for you, Dukkz. The way it "used to be." Older members may remember my lame prizes, like the one above. I used to say the exact same thing all the time.)

So please post, you can talk about anything. Old members may want to join again too!

2 questions/comments/concerns:

H4NNAH said...


MaddieILY said...

you KNOW I wanna join again. I'll twitter you my e-mail!