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Monday, December 28, 2009

Big Ol' Post! ^_^

Arg, you know what I hate? Homework...

I’ve been putting it off all Christmas holiday and now it’s caught up with me. One minute your having a great time par-tay-ing, next your being strapped to a desk, a pen forced into your hand and you have to do all the stuff your stupid teacher left you.

I admit I only have electronics and History, but seriously it’s so stupid! I. HATE. ELECTRONICS! So does everyone else in the whole wide world that has to go under the teaching of our ‘monster’ teacher. Heck, when she gets annoyed she gets a HAMMER and slams it down right in front of you... Luckily I’m number 18 so I’m at the safety of the back of the room; too bad the people sharing my work bench are so boring... -.-

My homework is to finish my design booklet for a moisture sensor up till box 9. But seriously she hasn’t given us the booklet so no one knows what they are doing. She makes us leave it in school so how can we write on something we don’t have? Pure evil teacher... -.-

I really want to do cooking... Resistant Materials was okay I guess, at least we got to use tools to MAKE the mirror. All we do in electronics is write boring notes and have her shout at the poor souls stuck at the front of the room.

Oh wait we have had ONE particle lesson... That didn’t go to well. We were using a solder which is basically this gun thing that is really hot on the end, and you have to hold this piece of metal wire to the part of the circait board were you have to solder the components, then it melts the iron and it sticks the component to your PCB board. Too bad I accidently soldered my SOLDING WIRE into the PCB board. I had to rip it out and it kinda destroyed it. And my friend melted the probes! xD
At least the dude in Resistant Materials was nice, he thought my mirror frame, which was basically a piece of MDF with the middle cut out was good (WTH?)

And history homework. I’ve already done this unit. I did it last year in my old school. So the newspaper is easy, but he so picky! He wants prices and stuff on our newspaper. This is a flippin’ piece of homework not a headlining article for ‘The Times.’

My Sims 3 game got dispatched today it should be here by Wednesday! Also I’m writing a story ‘bout Harvest Moon. It stars me, Becky and the whole island! Here is a sneak peak of it:

“Becky! Becky!” I yelled, as I banged on her door.
“Yes?” asked a confused voice from behind me.
I turned round, there was Becky standing there. A watering can in one hand, a packet of seeds in the other, her left eyebrow raised.
“I uh, was go—“ I began.
“Going to wake me up, because you thought I was lazy and still sleeping!” she interrupted me, “Sorry Arisu but I’ve been awake for ages – you are behind the times here, my friend.”
I flushed; it was my turn to be confused.
“What are you doing up this early anyway?” I asked.
“Oh, these tomatoes were ready to be harvested, so I got up early to make sure I got them before the pests came.” Becky explained.
“Oh...” I mumbled, “I’ll go milk the cows.”
“No no! Help me harvest please!” pleaded Becky.
“But you’re almost done, you don’t need me too!”
“Many hands make light work!” replied Becky.
“Too many cooks spoiled the broth!” I countered.
“I guess I’ll just have to keep all these tomatoes for myself...” mumbled Becky.
“Oh fine, you win! You’re so evil sometimes!”
Becky poked her tongue out at me.

So there you go. Anyway Becky needs to choose a boyfriend out of these... Sorry for bad choice but it’s the games fault not mine! And also Vaughn && Mark (Vaughn by me, Mark by Ail) is taken! ^_^

Click to enlarge!
I don’t think I have anything else to say...
Oh yes I do!
Okay so I thought CPKS should maybe make a movie or story or something... Like if we made a movie each member is given a scene or something to make and at the end, we all put it together and viola! A movie! :D And if we made a story, well we take it in turns to do a chapter or something.
They were just some ideas I had to make CPKS a little more interesting...

So yeah! Bye, bye guys!

Arisu X

7 questions/comments/concerns:

Anonymous said...

ohh we shud rite a story!

Arisu said...


Becky* said...

Denny but I don't see why you had to bring me into this... Sigh. I'm not helping with your story thing. *

Arisu said...

'Cuz I didn't no who else to add in :) Well I did but youknow... :D
'Cuz Ail is the surfer person who appears at random times... OMG SHE'S A STALKER o.o

Anonymous said...

Can I write dah first part?!?

Arisu said...

Indeed :)

H4NNAH said...

Pick Pierre :D